David & Cheryl Johnson

David and Cheryl had witnessed the emergence of a microchurch family in their previous neighborhood, but they sensed it was time to downsize. They moved into a maintenance-free community not far from where they had lived. While the microchurch family from their old neighborhood visited them in their new one, David and Cheryl knew they needed to shift their focus to build relationships and plant the Gospel in their new community.

They began prayer walking, attending community potlucks, meeting people at the swimming pool, and joining the gardening club. These intentional efforts opened doors for them to get to know many of their neighbors. As trust grew, people began sharing their personal struggles, and David and Cheryl responded by praying for them, listening, and serving their neighbors in meaningful ways.

Today, a couple from their new community has joined the worship gatherings with neighbors from their old neighborhood. Together, they are on mission to bring the Good News to their neighbors.


James Mays


Rob & Michelle Wegner