James Mays

Seven years ago, James found himself attending one of the first Share the Hope microchurch gatherings ever. After a life filled with what he describes as “thuggin’, druggin’, and muggin’” he fully surrendered his life to Jesus.

Within the Share the Hope family (a network of microchurches emerging out of the post-incarceration and addiction communities in KC), James grew as a disciple and a disciple-maker. Over time, he launched a new Share the Hope microchurch gathering, and later stepped into a primary leadership role for the Share the Hope Hub.

James has a passion for sharing the Good News of how Jesus transformed his life with anyone and everyone he encounters. He now spends his days pouring into men who have a similar background as himself, as he mentors and disciples those coming out of jail and walking through recovery.

He also has a heart to launch new Share the Hope communities throughout the city, and see the Gospel saturate this entire city.


Haylee Whitson


David & Cheryl Johnson