Manifesto Value: Microchurches
When the KC Underground launched in 2019, part of our formation was to adopt the Underground Manifesto created by the Tampa Underground. The Manifesto is comprised of eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network. This prayer guide will cover one of those values.
Read: Spend some time slowly reading and rereading this value:
We affirm microchurch as the most basic expression of the church and therefore, our ecclesiology is simple. When believers work together in sincere worship, and genuine community to accomplish a part of the mission of God, they are the church. Worship, community and mission then are the ecclesial minimum. We encourage Biblically appointed leadership, sacramental worship, the pursuit of the gifts of the Spirit, and giving, but these are desired and not required to be considered a microchurch. We believe that these churches also need the larger network, leadership, and resources of a city-wide church to strengthen, empower and help direct the microchurch expression. We gather for worship, training, and as leadership primarily to strengthen and supply the microchurches in their labor to obey Jesus and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to their mission field. We believe the larger church expression exists to serve the smaller and not the other way around.
Retell: As a practice to embrace what you are reading, grab a journal and write the value out in your own words.
Read: Choose at least 3 - 5 of the following supporting passages and read through them.
Biblical Foundation
Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 10:1, John 4:23, Acts 2:42-47, Acts 4:24, 31, Acts 6:3-4 and 6, Acts 14:23, Acts 16:4-5, Acts 20:20, Romans 15:5-6, Romans 16:3-5, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, 1 Corinthians 14:26, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Corinthians 3:5-61, Ephesians 2:22, Ephesians 4:16, Colossians 3:16, Colossians 4:15, 1 Timothy 3: 2-7, Hebrews 6:10-11, Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Peter 2:5,9, Revelation 1:6
Consider: As you read and rewrote this value, what stood out to you the most? What did the Spirit highlight as you read the supporting passages from Scripture? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to you? Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts.
Pray: Now that you have had a few minutes to consider what the Spirit might be saying to you, turn these thoughts into prayers.
Perhaps it is a prayer of repentance: Jesus, I have not valued or celebrated the potential creativity of what your church can look like. I have put limitations on it instead of embracing families in community, worshipping together, and on mission are the church. I long for you to re-frame my thoughts. I want to celebrate the diversity and creativity of the church.
Perhaps it is a prayer of invitation: Holy Spirit show me, show our microchurch the areas in which we need to grow as a family on mission. Will you reveal to us the gaps in our spiritual formation? Will you show us where we need to embody mission more fully? Will you open our eyes to new leaders?
Perhaps it is a prayer of intercession: Father, will you strengthen the Church in our city? Will you open up the pathway to collaboration with all the unique spiritual families across this city so that we will share one voice that seeks Gospel flourishing?
Each of these simple prayers can be a springboard into more. Use the thoughts you journaled above to help guide your prayers. Take some extra time today to pray for the microchurches across our network. They are beautiful in all of their unique expressions. They are often unseen in their efforts to bless our city with beauty, justice, and the Good News of Jesus. Pray that they will strengthened and that the Holy Spirit will help them persevere.
Respond: If Jesus highlighted a particular way for you to respond in obedience to Him today in light of this value from the Manifesto, consider sharing this response with another disciple-maker.