Manifesto Value: The Bible
When the KC Underground launched in 2019, part of our formation was to adopt the Underground Manifesto created by the Tampa Underground. The Manifesto is comprised of eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network. This prayer guide will cover one of those values.
Read: Spend some time slowly reading and rereading this value:
The Bible
We trust the authority, reliability, and truth of all Scripture. In humility, we acknowledge we do not fully understand God and the world He made. For that reason we rely on the Bible to be the rule of our faith, teaching us what we do not know, challenging and leading us away from our misconceptions, self-deceptions, and convenient ideas about life and God. We don’t choose the parts of the Bible we prefer or want to believe, obey, or understand; instead, we submit to all of Scripture believing it reveals the truth that is beyond us. We believe that Jesus is the Word of God and for that reason, we don’t just obey Scripture; we love it. Because, like a mirror, it shows us who we really are, and like a window, it opens our lives to the beauty, wonder, and love of the God we long to know.
Retell: As a practice to embrace what you are reading, grab a journal and write the value out in your own words.
Read: Choose at least 3 - 5 of the following supporting passages and read through them.
Biblical Foundation
Deuteronomy 4:10, 2 Samuel 7:28, 22:31, Nehemiah 8, Psalms 18:30, Proverbs 30:5, Isaiah 40:8, Jereremiah 15:16, Matthew 4:4, Matthew 22:29, Luke 8:21, Luke 11:28, Luke 24:32, John 1:1-17, John 5:24, John 5:39, John 8:51, Acts 8:35, Acts 18:11, Romans 3:2, 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 3:16, Colosians 1:25, Colossians 3:16, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, Hebrews 4:12-13, 1 Peter 4:11, 2 Peter 3:16, 1 John 2:5, Revelation 3:8, Revelation 19:9
Consider: As you read and rewrote this value, what stood out to you the most? What did the Spirit highlight as you read the supporting passages from Scripture? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to you? Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts.
Pray: Now that you have had a few minutes to consider what the Spirit might be saying to you, turn these thoughts into prayers.
Perhaps it is a prayer of repentance: Jesus, I have not allowed Scripture to shape and inform my life. I long for your Word to be hidden in my heart and to form my worldview. I want to know you more intimately, and I know that I will understand more of who you are as I immerse myself in your Word.
Perhaps it is a prayer of invitation: Holy Spirit, as I read Scripture, help me to understand more of what I am reading. Bring faithful guides into my life that will help me see the beautiful arc of the Biblical narrative. Help me to see how every page points toward the way you are guiding all of history. Help me to see my story within your story.
Perhaps it is a prayer of intercession: Father, will you help my microchurch, the people I am in a disciple-making relationship with, grow in our love of Scripture? Will you remind us to submit every conversation and curiosity we have about how to live in this world to the truth we find in your Word? Will you use the time we spend in your Word to act like a window, opening our lives to see more of the beauty and wonder of who you are?
Each of these simple prayers can be a springboard into more. Use the thoughts you journaled above to help guide your prayers. Take some extra time today to pray for the microchurches across our network, that our love for God’s Word will increase and inform who we are as people, living in a countercultural way.
Respond: If Jesus highlighted a particular way for you to respond in obedience to Him today in light of this value from the Manifesto, consider sharing this response with another disciple-maker.