Relationship Mapping Exercise

Relationship Mapping Exercise for Disciple Makers

Knowing Your “Who” and “Where” of Mission

If you don’t know to whom you’re called, you don’t know where to direct your prayer, your time, and your efforts. It’s as simple as that. The first step in mission-focused prayer is to identify the people to whom God has called you. Below are 2 exercises to help you identify your missional context. 

EXERCISE 1: Relationship Mind Map

Write your name in the middle of a piece of paper. Think of people in your life who don’t yet know Jesus. Then, think of people they know.

EXERCISE 2: Context Map

Each circle represents an area of life (e.g.,school, work, hobby, neighborhood, etc.) where you interact with others socially. In the lines below, write names of people within that context. Ask God to highlight certain names and places.


Hearing from God


Moving from a Discovery Group to a Microchurch