Moving from a Discovery Group to a Microchurch

As groups mature and participants begin to follow Jesus, this DBS exercise can help your group discover their new identity as a spiritual family (also known as “church” or “microchurch”)

READ​: ​Acts 2:36-47 


  1. Grab a piece of paper or a whiteboard. Ask the group what activities or characteristics are present in Acts 2:36-47. As each one is discovered/mentioned, write it or draw a picture of it on the board (see the list below if you need to fill anything in)

  2. Draw a circle. Ask people to identify the activities in which the group already participates. As they mention each one, write or draw that activity inside the circle.

  3. Now discuss what your Group needs to do to become like the meetings described in the passages. If you do not do it, then draw it outside the circle.

  4. Pray together. Ask God how this group can grow together as his church and be what He wants it to be.

This activity is a natural environment for people to discover that your group is actually the beginning of a fully functional microchurch. 

God often uses this activity to move people along in their journey. 

If people haven’t been baptized yet, use this time to encourage people to make that commitment. If the group hasn’t participated in communion or served together yet, then allow this activity to highlight the next steps. 

Moving from Discovery Group to Micro Church
  • Repentance and Baptism

  • Devoted to Apostle’s Teaching (Bible)

  • Fellowship

  • Breaking Bread together
    (also, see 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)

  • Prayer

  • Giving to and caring for one another

  • Regular meetings

  • Praise

  • Telling people about Jesus

  • Miracles

  • Meeting regularly


Relationship Mapping Exercise


Fruit to Root