Immanuel Journaling Prayer

Immanuel Prayer Journaling. Graphic of a journal open.

There are times in our lives when we simply want someone to listen. We want to be seen. We want to be heard. We long to hear someone say, β€œI see you. I hear you. I can understand how big this is for you. And, I’m glad to be with you no matter what you are going through.”

This is called validation. Validation is when the other person accepts our emotions, listens with empathy, and shares our emotions in the moment. This affirms in us that our feelings are valid and worthwhile.

This is closely related to emotional attunement. Emotional attunement is the process of recognizing and responding to the emotions of another person in a way that validates and supports their experience.

Humans can validate and emotionally attune to one another. In fact, when this happens, it is a little taste of the Kingdom of God breaking through into our world. These practices are powerful in bringing healing through earthly relationships.

But why does this feel so good? Why is it that this simple practice brings such love, nurturing, healing, Shalom, appreciation, and on and on? Well, it’s not because humans came up with this great idea. It’s because our God created this kind of love. Hesed love. He is the author of all love, but there’s something special about Hesed love.

It’s been said that Hesed love is not just a feeling. It is an action. It is faithful, loyal, and unfailing. This Hebrew word is translated in many different ways including steadfast love, mercy, kindness, goodness, love and faithfulness, unfailing love, faithful love, steadfast love, and loyal love. The meaning of this word is deep.

In Isaiah 54:10, our God says it this way: β€œFor the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful (Hesed) love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you. NLT

God is loyal and faithful to us even when we aren’t loyal and faithful to Him. Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy.

Our God, the creator of Hesed love and relationships, longs for us to come to Him. He waits patiently for us to seek Him and share our lives with Him on this journey called life. He

is willing and ready to be the one to say, β€œI see you. I hear you. I can understand how big this is for you. And, I’m glad to be with you no matter what you are going through.” The Immanuel Journaling exercise is one way we can center ourselves, be still, know He is God, and listen for His insight and wisdom. It helps us see our lives the way God does.

For this exercise, it is recommended to write or type in a journal so you can go back and reference what Jesus says. Give yourself plenty of time to center yourself finding quiet and stillness in a place with few distractions. See Jesus there with you in the present waiting to talk with you. Then walk through these steps and record what you hear him saying:

Step 1 – Gratitude

Write anything I appreciate and then write God’s response to my gratitude.

Dear God, I’m thankful for... Dear child of mine...

STEP 2 – I can see you

Write from God’s perspective what he observes in you right now, including your physical sensations. (e.g. I can see you at your desk. Your breathing is shallow and your shoulders are tight...)

STEP 3 – I can hear you

Write from God’s perspective what he hears you saying to yourself. (e.g. You are wondering if I will speak to you and how you would ever know. You are discouraged and tired... OR: You woke up full of energy this morning. You are ready to take on the world. Your mind is buzzing...)

STEP 4 – I understand how big this is for you

How does God see your dreams, blessings or upsets and troubles? (e.g. I want you to know that I care about what matters to you. Your desire to honor me brings me great pleasure... OR: I understand how intimidated you feel.

This situation feels all-consuming to you as if you are about to sink...)

Immanuel Journaling Prayer

Prayer tool

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STEP 5 – I am glad to be with you and treat your weakness tenderly

How does God express his desire to participate in your life? (e.g. Your dreams are precious to me. I fill you with life each day and really enjoy your desire to... OR: I see your discouragement after yelling again. Times when you are frustrated and tired are when I want to be closer to you...)

STEP 6 – I can do something about what you are going through

What does God give you for this time? (e.g. Come away with me. I offer you times of refreshing, new energy and

vision... OR: I will strengthen you. Remember how your friend encouraged you last week? With me you are not alone...)

STEP 7 – Read out loud

Read what you have written aloud, preferably to someone.

Used with permission from Life Model Works


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