Sitting at Jesus’ feet

As Jesus and the disciples continued on their journey, they came to a village where a woman welcomed Jesus into her home. Her name was Martha and she had a sister named Mary. Mary sat down attentively before the Master, absorbing every revelation he shared. Luke 10:38-39 TPT


Attentiveness is vital to waiting. The word wait comes from a root word meaning “to watch.” Originally to wait meant to apply tentativeness or watchfulness throughout a period of time and was a highly regarded experience. To wait on God meant to watch keenly for God’s coming.

Prayer isn’t simply intellectual or emotional, it’s an experience of our whole being. When we, like Mary, sit in a pool of divine presence, our hearts full and attentive in the midst of our darkness and pain, we’re praying ourselves into new creatures. Our very posture says, I love you, God.


Find a quiet space to practice attending and delighting in God’s presence. Become aware of your physical body. What do you see? Name five items of the same color surrounding you.

What do you feel? Your feet on the ground, a chair underneath you, heaviness in your chest or shoulders. What do you hear, smell and taste? The lovely birdsong, your morning tea or coffee, the wet earth after a rain. Allow your mind to slow as you take in your surroundings.

Take three deep breaths, and as you do, welcome Jesus with each inhale. As you exhale, release any tensions or anxieties you are feeling or bringing into this moment.

Envision yourself as Mary, sitting attentively before the Master, hanging on every word he says. Remain in this moment of sacred adoration, attaching to God in great delight.


Is there a symbol, phrase or impression that will remain with you from this moment? Take a moment to thank God through journaling, drawing or another creative expression.


Praying through relational conflict