
Today, as the Underground, we come together in prayer and fasting. Every great move of God in the Bible and throughout history begins with Extraordinary Prayer and Fasting. From the other side of eternity, we will find that the most influential people were not, perhaps, Presidents or Prime Ministers but the people who walked with God through passionate prayer.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Heaviness

Take note of where you are right now. Where are you? What are you currently doing as you read this? How do you feel today? Take a few moments and examine where you are and how you feel.

Often, when I don’t take enough time to examine how I feel, I take too long to notice just how heavy life can be. Every morning can feel like a chore, mundane tasks can become overwhelming, and life tends to get pretty blurry in these seasons. I know that’s the case for many if not most of us. Today, we pray together in faith over the truth of Jesus’ words in Matthew 11.


β€œCome to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
-Matthew 11:28


When was the last time you went to Him? When was the last time you took a break from your daily to-dos to pause and crawl your way back to Jesus? When life gets heavy, Jesus’s first ask is to β€œCome to me.”


Pause wherever you may be, take a deep breath, and bring your heaviness to his feet. Take a few moments to tell him specifically what is making your life heavy right now.


β€œTake my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

-Matthew 11:29-30


When we take the time to come to Jesus, his character and kindness make sense of the most insensible things in our lives.

What are the things in your life that need the gentleness of Jesus? Take a moment and speak these to him.

What are the decisions that need his guidance and humility? Write these down or say them out loud to him.

Where do you feel most tired and in need of the rest that He can bring? Give the things that tire you to Him; write them down or say them out loud.


Lord, we believe that even at our heaviest, you still have all of the power and authority to not only hold us but heal us. We pray alongside our brothers and sisters across the city for refreshed souls and rest for the restless and broken. We need you, Lord, every hour of every day.


Nurturing the Soul: A Prayer Guide for Pastors and Missionaries


Seeking God’s Beauty