God’s Word: In Us, Through Us, Over Us

Today, as the Underground, we come together in prayer and fasting. Every great move of God in the Bible and in history begins with Extraordinary Prayer and Fasting. This week we focus our prayer and fasting on the theme of God’s word in us, through us, and over us.


As I enter prayer now, I choose to be still and remember that you are God. Lord, I slow down and return all my attention to you. Holy Spirit, enlighten the eyes of my heart and illuminate my mind with understanding as I pray today. I pray this for all those who join me in prayer and fasting in the KC Underground family.

Listen: Your Word

MOVE 1: God’s Word in Us.

Slowly re-read the passage below numerous times. Be open to see if a particular word or phrase stands out for you. Why does it stand out? Ask the Lord what He wants you to notice.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8

What stood out to you? Why? What did the Lord say to you? Take what the Lord told you and turn it into a prayer.

The ability of the people of God to be strong and courageous as Joshua had instructed them was contingent on them meditating on the Word of God, day and night, as well as, participating in the Word by obeying immediately.

Continue praying about your own meditation upon and participation in the Word.

As you pray, consider:

  • What is my current pattern for Scripture?

  • How well does that pattern include the “day and night” pattern recommended here?

  • How well do my current practices include meditation of the Word and participation in immediate obedience?

  • Now, write an ‘I will…” statement based on what you heard.

MOVE 2: God’s Word Through Us

So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
Acts 6:7

In Acts 12, James is martyred by Herod, who “laid violent hands” on him and had him murdered by the sword. Herod then arrests Peter and has him thrown in jail. But Peter is delivered by an angel! Herod, who was receiving worship as a god, is struck down by a judgment delivered by an angel. Such a conflict between heaven and earth is being played out in this passage! But the summary sentence at the end is simply this…

But the word of God increased and multiplied.
Acts 12:24

As the early church devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to prayer, as they met in temple courts and from house to house, as they sold everything they had and made certain that none among them had need, as they participated with the Holy Spirit, they were given favor with all people. When the word of God shapes us, it’s restorative effect is evident in the world in which we live as we bring beauty, justice, and the Good News of Jesus to those in our networks of relationships.

Pray now for:

  • The Word of God to spread in every context where the Underground has missionaries and microchurches.

  • Pray for the number of disciples to increase in those contexts rapidly and for large numbers of “unlikely suspects” to become obedient to the faith.

  • Pray that our city will see how the Gospel is elevating broken places and bringing the fullness of restoration and reconcilia

  • Pray for the Lord to send angelic assignments to every context where missionaries and microchurches of the Underground are engaged and that those assignments would be successfully completed.

  • Pray for the word of God to increase and multiply all over our city through DBS in new contexts.

MOVE 3: God’s Word Over Us

Take a minute to read Revelation 2 & 3.
In each passage, an angel is assigned to a church and Jesus delivers His Word over them.

Consider, “What do you think Jesus is saying over the Kansas City Underground? What is God’s Word over us?’”

Pray, “Lord what are you saying over the Kansas City Underground? Speak, we are listening.”

As you listen, write down whatever passages of Scripture the Spirit brings to mind. Perhaps there will be an image the Lord will bring to mind, or a short phrase, or more.

Listen and write it down. If nothing comes, that’s fine.

Consider which of the churches in Revelation most closely associates with the KC Underground in your mind.

What church from Revelation 2 and 3 would you pick as our companion?

Now, turn those passages of Scripture, those images or words into prayers over the Kansas City Underground.

Agree with Jesus and return His word back to Him in prayer. Ask for all that He is saying to us to be fully heard and fully obeyed. Pray that whatever angel(s) have been assigned to the KC Underground be strengthened to win the battle in the heavenlies that we cannot see.

If Jesus is clear with you today about a specific image, passage of Scripture, or word for the KC Underground, we encourage you to share that with a member of your microchurch, missional team, or ongoing coach.


Abiding in the True Vine

