Abiding in the True Vine

Today’s Scriptures: John 15:1-8

Strategic Focus: Abiding in the True Vine

Movement 1: Pruning


I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.’
John 15:1-3

God makes the roles very clear in John 15. God the Father is the Vinedresser. The Husbandman. The Gardener. The Farmer. The one who oversees all agricultural activity in this scene. Jesus, God the Son, is the true Vine. The true Grapevine. The Real Vine, as one translation words it. You must be connected to this Vine in order to live. We are the branches — the extension of the Vine that reaches into the world.

The Vinedresser and Vine make it clear that branches will be cut off and taken away if they don’t bear fruit. And even if they are bearing fruit, they will be cut back or pruned so they will bear more fruit. Has there been a time when you have been cut off because you weren’t bearing fruit? What about a time when you were cut back even though you were bearing fruit?

Repent for the time when you were not bearing fruit. Ask God for forgiveness. Thank God for the time when you were pruned so that you could bear more fruit for Him. Then sit in silence and feel the love of the Real Vine and Vinedresser as He wraps around you. What is He saying to you?

Movement 2: Abiding


Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.’
John 15:4-6

Different translations of the Bible use a few different words in these verses: Abide. Remain. Live. Stay joined. Remain united. These words all help form a picture in our minds of the type of activity Jesus was describing here. One encyclopedia gives synonyms to this Old English word, including await, lodge, sojourn, dwell, continue, endure, encamp, and to make our abode with Him... Are you starting to feel the weight of this word? Jesus is not talking about a quick visit or stop-by. This invitation is ongoing, constant, beautiful. In fact, it is necessary. He tells us that unless we are connected to Him, the Vine, we can bear no fruit. We can do nothing unless we are connected to Him. And, if we do not abide in Him, we are thrown away.

Pray: Some of us are used to sitting in silence and being with God. For others, that is a difficult thing. For at least the next 10 minutes (but take however long you want/need), just sit with God. In silence. Abide in Him. You can start with a statement/question like, “God, I am here. Thank you for being here. What do you want to say to me right now?”. Then, just abide. Ask Him to help you learn to abide throughout each day. Ongoing. In every thought. In every decision. In every step.

Movement 3: Asking and Glorifying


If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this, my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.’
John 15:7-8


Part of abiding includes letting His word abide in us. Reading and meditating on it day and night. Letting it invade our thoughts and be applied to all situations. Jesus says that when we do this, we can ask whatever we wish, and it will be done for us. Think about this: if we are abiding with our God, so closely that we the branches are receiving nutrients from Him, then He is running through our veins. His thoughts. His desires. The things that light Him up. The things that break His heart. If we are that connected to Him, then what we ask for will be what He wants to be done. Then, He will be glorified. And we will be His disciples.


Lord, keep me so intimately connected to you that your thoughts are my thoughts. Your desires are my desires. I want to want what you want.

Now, ask Him, “Lord, who are the people around me to whom you want me to bring your beauty, justice, and Good News? What are the situations to which I am connected that need to see your Kingdom come?”


Identity as Missionaries


God’s Word: In Us, Through Us, Over Us