Encountering God Through Beauty

Move 1: Reflect on God’s Revelation in Creation

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20


Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself through the beauty of creation. Help me to see Your power and divine nature in the world around me. Open my eyes to the wonders of Your handiwork, and let these glimpses of Your glory draw me closer to You. Teach me to recognize Your voice in the beauty that surrounds me each day.


Take a moment to step outside, look out your window, or pull up a picture of your phone from a time past where you were outdoors. What aspects of creation speak to you of God’s greatness? How does it reveal His beauty? Hold or contemplate that quietly for a few minutes. Now, spend a few minutes thanking and praising God for these specific things.

Move 2: Seek to Experience God’s Beauty

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2


Heavenly Father, I desire to experience Your beauty more deeply. Like the Psalmist, I want to gaze upon Your beauty and be filled with awe. Help me to slow down and notice the beauty You have placed in my path today. Reveal to me the ways in which You are speaking through these moments of wonder.


Pause and ask God: “What is one step I can take to meet You in beauty today?” Write down any thoughts or impressions that come to mind. Turn this into an “I will…” statement and commit to it.

Move 3: Nurture Beauty in Your Life and Relationships

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple. Psalm 27:4


Lord, help me to nurture the beauty in my life and relationships. As I encounter beauty, give me the wisdom to filter these experiences through Your Word and hold them in prayerful reflection. Show me how to share this beauty with others, so that our souls and relationships may flourish in You.


Consider how beauty has impacted your spiritual journey. What has God shown you through beautiful moments or creations? How can you cultivate more of this beauty in your life and community? Ask God to guide you in being a conduit of His beauty to those around you.

Move 4: Pray for the Network

Remember as we pray and fast today, we are bound together in Christ around the city. We are His body. We are family. In closing, take a moment to pray over the people of the KCU Underground:

Pray that we will receive grace to reflect on God’s beauty revealed in creation, receive all the benefits, and turn that into thanks and praise.

Pray that we will seek to experience beauty in a way that points us back to Jesus, and that seeking Jesus’ beauty will be our “one thing” that we seek. 

Pray that the beauty dimension of our mission will rise in every heart and in every context of the KC Underground. 

Finally, we need your voice and input. We want to hear your story of how God has met you in beauty. We are conducting research which aims to support the Kansas City Underground with future equipping and initiatives. One aspect of this research explores moments when we were deeply moved by something or someone beautiful, feeling a profound connection to our souls and to God.

Would you be willing to share your insights by taking this brief survey? Your input is greatly appreciated, and rest assured, your information will remain completely confidential.


The end of my rope


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