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New Community • Equipping Huddle

  • Ivanhoe Neighborhood Center 3700 Woodland Avenue Kansas City, MO, 64133 United States (map)

Across Kansas City, Hubs host Equipping Gatherings—a space for everyday disciple-makers to connect, learn, and be empowered to live on mission in their local context. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or actively making disciples, these gatherings will equip you with the tools, community, and encouragement you need.

What to Expect:

  • Practical training on disciple-making and microchurch formation

  • Stories of what God is doing in different pockets of the city

  • Hands-on tools to engage your community with the Good News

  • A welcoming environment where you can ask questions and grow

Who’s Invited?
These gatherings are open to all—whether you’re a seasoned disciple-maker, curious about what it means to live on mission, or looking for a community that encourages and equips.

Why Join?
KC Underground exists to see a disciple-maker on every street and a microchurch in every network of relationships. The movement is growing, and you are invited to be part of it.

Our vision and prayer for New Community has always been one where we intentionally give the church back to ordinary spirit-filled people. Together we would create spiritual families of grace, healing, and liberation. By God’s grace we are seeing this become a reality, and now  New Community exists as a network of spiritual families across the KC metro, focused primarily on the eastside of Kansas City. We desire to be an embodied witness of God’s love in neighborhoods, a connector of community assets, and a catalyst for justice, reconciliation, and liberation.

April 6

Seder Experience

April 20

Easter Gathering