
Today, as the Underground, we come together in prayer and fasting. Every great move of God in the Bible and throughout history begins with Extraordinary Prayer and Fasting. From the other side of eternity, we will find that the most influential people were not, perhaps, Presidents or Prime Ministers, but the people who walked with God through passionate prayer.


β€œI don’t want to be needy.”

How often have you felt that way? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the expectation of self-reliance? We expect to climb the ladder of life to a point where we no longer need others to hold the ladder up for us. We work tirelessly to be relationally, financially, mentally, and spiritually stable. If we’re honest with ourselves, maybe we’ve tried to become enough like Jesus that we no longer must rely on Him.

We can quickly identify the people God has called us to serve, and we often know their needs. It seems much more challenging to reckon with our own neediness, our desperate need for God’s hand. We need Him now as much as we ever have.

As we pray in unison of spirit with our brothers and sisters across Kansas City, we acknowledge our deep need for God. Our neediness does not make us weak; our neediness allows us to recognize the holes in our lives that only God can fill.

Read Matthew 5:3-5

He said:

3 β€œBlessed are the poor in spirit,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,

    for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,

    for they will inherit the earth.


As you sit with God today, how do you see Him? What does He look like? How does he embrace you? Take a few moments to slow your mind, close your eyes, and look for His face.

The Needs of My Neighbors
As you sit with the Father and read the words of Jesus, who does God bring to mind? Who are the poor in spirit? Who in your life is mourning now? 

As God brings these people to mind, ask that He highlight their needs as you sit with Him. In a notebook or your notes, take track of the needs of your neighbors, family members, and friends God has brought to mind today. 

Take a few moments, write down their names, and write down 3-5 of their most significant needs.


Lord, as we sit with You, we hand the needs of our neighbors to you. Show us the needs we can step into, and guide us to love them the way You love us. 

Spend time praying by name over those needs for the people you love.

The Needs of the City

We long for Gospel Saturation in Kansas City. For a city where every need can be met, every injustice is addressed, every person is fed, and every soul can know the Good News of Jesus.

As you sit with the Father, ask Him to highlight the needs of the city that we love. 

Take a few moments, and write down 3-5 of the most significant needs He shares with you for the city.


Lord, we love Kansas City. We pray for a day where every need can be met in every corner of every community in our city. Show us the places in our city where we can meet those needs.

Spend time praying over the needs God has shared with you for the city.

The Needs of My Heart

We are poor in spirit, and we confess for the times in our lives where we lived as if we didn’t need you. We are desperate for your hand to guide us. We need a father to protect us from the bullies and a physician to heal our broken hearts. 

As you sit with the Father, ask Him to highlight your most significant needs. Write down 3-5 of your needs.

As you see the face of Jesus, visualize those needs in your hands. Unclench your fist, and hand God your needs. Spend a few moments confessing your needs to Him.


Lord, we are poor in spirit. We need you. We are broken, hurting and mourning. We need you. We are small and meek. We need you. We will always need you.

Spend some time praying specifically over the needs that you have brought to Him.


Soul care and connection with God


Psalm 13