Manifesto Value: Humility

When the KC Underground launched in 2019, part of our formation was to adopt the Underground Manifesto created by the Tampa Underground. The Manifesto is comprised of eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network. This prayer guide will cover one of those values.

Read: Spend some time slowly reading and rereading this value:


We commit to pursue humility as one of the chief virtues. We expect it in leadership, in community and relationships, in our theology, in the contextualization of our mission, in our prayer, and even in our appraisal of ourselves and others. We are convinced that humility is necessary for following Jesus as an individual and as an organization. In individuals, we hope for humility in all our relationships and leadership roles. As an organization we hope to be a flexible learning organization, looking always to refine our commitments and expand our understanding and revelation of God and His call upon us. We believe in the living prophetic Word of God, that it can be heard and obeyed, yet we also believe that we are flawed listeners and should always listen and follow with humility.

Retell: As a practice to embrace what you are reading, grab a journal and write the value out in your own words.

Read: Choose at least 3 - 5 of the following supporting passages and read through them.

Biblical Foundation

Psalms 25:9, Psalms 51:17, Psalms 147:6, Psalms 149:4, Proverbs 11:2, Proverbs 18:12, Proverbs 22:4, Ecclesiastes 5:2, Isaiah 29:19, Isaiah 57:15, Isaiah 66:2, Micah 6:8, Matthew 5:3, Matthew 11:29, Matthew 18:3-4, Matthew 20:26, Matthew 23:12, Luke 1:52, Luke 6:20, Luke 10:21, Luke 14:10, Luke 17:10, Luke 18:13-14, Luke 22:26-27, John 13:14, Romans 10, Romans 11:20, Romans 12:3, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 1:28, 1 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Corinthians 10:12, 1 Corinthians 13:4, 2 Corinthians 11:30, 2 Corinthians 12:6, 2 Corinthians 10, Galatians 5:26, Galatians 6:14, Ephesians 4:2, Philippians 2:3-11, Colossians 3:12, James 1:9, James 3:1, James 4:6, 1 Peter 3:8, 1 Peter 5:5-6

Consider: As you read and rewrote this value, what stood out to you the most? What did the Spirit highlight as you read the supporting passages from Scripture? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to you? Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts.

Pray: Now that you have had a few minutes to consider what the Spirit might be saying to you, turn these thoughts into prayers.

  • Perhaps it is a prayer of repentance: Jesus, I acknowledge the pride and self-reliance that have too often taken root in my heart. Forgive me for the times I have sought to elevate myself instead of seeking Your glory. Forgive me for the moments when I have judged others harshly or acted without considering their needs above my own. I repent for the ways I have approached Your mission and Your Word with arrogance, assuming my understanding was complete and my perspective was flawless. I lay down any sense of superiority, self-righteousness, or inflexibility that has hindered Your work in and through me. Help me to view others with compassion and to lead with a servant’s heart. Remind me daily that I am flawed and in constant need of Your mercy and guidance. Restore in me a heart of humility, Lord, and let my life reflect the character of Jesus—gentle, lowly, and full of love.

  • Perhaps it is a prayer of invitation: Holy Spirit, teach me to lead with humility and to serve others with a heart modeled after Yours. Help me to approach my relationships with grace, patience, and a willingness to listen and learn. Strip away any pride or self-centeredness that hinders me from reflecting Your love and gentleness. May I always put others before myself, seeking to build unity and peace in every interaction.

  • Perhaps it is a prayer for greater intimacy: Father, help me to be a faithful and humble listener to Your voice. I acknowledge that I am flawed and can misunderstand or misapply Your Word. Teach me to approach You with reverence, openness, and a willingness to be corrected. Give me discernment to hear clearly and courage to follow obediently. May I always seek Your guidance with humility, trusting that You will lead me in truth and grace.”

Each of these simple prayers can be a springboard into more. Use the thoughts you journaled above to help guide your prayers. Take some extra time today to pray for the microchurches across our network, so that we will be known as a people who are seeking to live out the virtue of humility.

Respond: If Jesus highlighted a particular way for you to respond in obedience to Him today in light of this value from the Manifesto, consider sharing this response with another disciple-maker.


Manifesto Value: Passion


Manifesto Value: Zeal and Contemplation