Manifesto Value: Each Other
When the KC Underground launched in 2019, part of our formation was to adopt the Underground Manifesto created by the Tampa Underground. The Manifesto is comprised of eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network. This prayer guide will cover one of those values.
Read: Spend some time slowly reading and rereading this value:
Each Other
We commit ourselves to each other. We believe that God calls us into His mission together, never alone. We value mission and ministry done in community. We believe that God did not intend for us to be alone and that isolation, fear of each other, and spiritual competition are cancers in the church. We believe that moral and theological failures, controlling leadership, and many of our emotional struggles stem from a lack of community. We value free, committed, and loving friendship. Whenever possible, we will lead through teams and the sharing of life at every level with trusted friends who are an extension of the grace and presence of God in our lives.
Retell: As a practice to embrace what you are reading, grab a journal and write the value out in
your own words.
Read: Choose at least 3 - 5 of the following supporting passages and read through them.
Biblical Foundation
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Matthew 18:20, John 15:13, Acts 2:44, Romans 12:4-8 and 10, Romans 13:8, Romans 15:7, 1 Corinthians 10:24, Galatians 6:2, Ephesians 4:11-13, Ephesians 5:21, Philippians 2:3-4, Hebrews 3:15 and 10:24-25, Hebrews 6:10-11, 1 Peter 3:8, 1 John 3:16, 7-12, Revelation 4:4,10
Consider: As you read and rewrote this value, what stood out to you the most? What did the Spirit highlight as you read the supporting passages from Scripture? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to you? Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts.
Pray: Now that you have had a few minutes to consider what the Spirit might be saying to you, turn these thoughts into prayers.
Perhaps it is a prayer of repentance: Jesus, I repent for the times I have chosen isolation over connection, fear over trust, or competition over collaboration. Forgive me for allowing pride, insecurity, or self-reliance to create distance between myself and others. Forgive me for any ways I have contributed to division or failed to honor the community You have called me to. Father, restore my heart and help me to value and pursue relationships rooted in grace, trust, and love. Teach me to live in genuine fellowship with others, reflecting the unity and humility of Christ.
Perhaps it is a prayer of invitation: Holy Spirit, I invite You to deepen the bonds of community in my life. Help me to build relationships that reflect Your love and grace. Teach me to trust others and to be trustworthy in return. Open my heart to lead and be led within a team, sharing life with those You have placed around me. Father, fill our community with Your Spirit, so we can support, encourage, and challenge one another as we pursue Your mission together. Let Your presence be evident in our shared lives and ministry.
Perhaps it is a prayer for unity and healing: Father, I pray for unity and healing in the communities around me. Bind us together with love, grace, and a shared commitment to Your mission. Heal the wounds of division, mistrust, and competition and replace them with a spirit of forgiveness and understanding. Lord, help us to value the gift of friendship and to see each other as extensions of Your grace. May we grow together in faith, serving as one body, united in purpose and love, for Your glory.
Each of these simple prayers can be a springboard into more. Use the thoughts you journaled above to help guide your prayers. Take some extra time today to pray for the microchurches across our network, that they would embody committed, loving community, leading through shared life and trusted relationships as they pursue mission together with unity and grace.
Respond: If Jesus highlighted a particular way for you to respond in obedience to Him today in light of this value from the Manifesto, consider sharing this response with another disciple-maker.