Manifesto Value: Culture and Ethnicity

When the KC Underground launched in 2019, part of our formation was to adopt the Underground Manifesto created by the Tampa Underground. The Manifesto is comprised of eighteen values that reflect our theological convictions. These values bind us together as a diverse and creative network. This prayer guide will cover one of those values. 

Read: Spend some time slowly reading and rereading this value: 

Culture and Ethnicity

Similarly, we affirm that every culture and ethnicity, while imperfect, reflects the mosaic of God’s own image and together we better glorify and serve the God of creation. We value every people, language, and culture in our city and in the world. We believe that the church of Jesus Christ was meant to demonstrate the power of the Gospel through reconciliation, unity, and the beauty of a multi-ethnic community. For that reason we do not just admire multi-ethnic communities, but purpose to become one. We do not believe in being color blind. Rather, we hope to accept and include the beauty and wisdom of every culture in our city and in our communities.

Retell: As a practice to embrace what you are reading, grab a journal and write the value out in your own words.

Read: Choose at least 3 - 5 of the following supporting passages and read through them. 

Biblical Foundation

Genesis 1:27, Psalms 67:2-3, Isaiah 56:7, Daniel 7:13-14, Joel 2:28, Haggai 2:7, Malachi 1:11, John 17:20-22, Acts 10:34-35, Acts 17:26-27,
Romans 14:11, Romans 15:5,6, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Ephesians 2:14-22, Philippians 2:10-11, Revelation 5:9-10, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 14:6

Consider: As you read and rewrote this value, what stood out to you the most? What did the Spirit highlight as you read the supporting passages from Scripture? What do you sense the Spirit is saying to you? Take a few minutes to journal your thoughts. 

Pray: Now that you have had a few minutes to consider what the Spirit might be saying to you, turn these thoughts into prayers. 

Perhaps it is a prayer of repentance: Jesus, I repent for the times I have failed to honor and celebrate the diversity of Your creation. Forgive me for harboring bias, indifference, or fear that has prevented me from fully embracing people of different cultures and backgrounds. Jesus, I confess that I have sometimes contributed to division instead of unity, and I ask for Your grace to change my heart. Teach me to see every culture and ethnicity as a unique reflection of Your image and to actively work toward reconciliation and inclusion in my life and community. 

Perhaps it is a prayer of invitation: Holy Spirit, I invite You to work in me and through me to build unity and reconciliation among all people. Open my heart to learn from the beauty and wisdom of other cultures, and help me to embrace diversity as a gift from You. Lord, guide our community to reflect the multi-ethnic beauty of Your kingdom. Let our words and actions demonstrate the power of the Gospel to bring healing, restoration, and love across every boundary. Use us as instruments of Your peace and unity.

Perhaps it is a prayer for healing and reconciliation: Father, I pray for healing in the places where division, prejudice, and injustice have caused pain and brokenness in our city. Bring reconciliation to individuals and communities across our city so that we might reflect Your heart for unity and peace. Lord, help us to dismantle systems of oppression and build bridges of understanding and love. May Your church be a powerful testimony of the Gospel, showing the world that true unity and justice are possible through Your grace and truth.

Each of these simple prayers can be a springboard into more. Use the thoughts you journaled above to help guide your prayers. Take some extra time today to pray for the disciple-makers and microchurches across our network, that we would reflect the beauty of a multi-ethnic community, celebrating every culture and working together to embody reconciliation, unity, and the power of the Gospel.

Respond: If Jesus highlighted a particular way for you to respond in obedience to Him today in light of this value from the Manifesto, consider sharing this response with another disciple-maker. 


Manifesto Value: Simplicity


Manifesto Value: Sharing and Giving