Jesus’s Soul Care

Today, as the Underground, we come together in prayer and fasting. Every great move of God in the Bible and in history begins with Extraordinary Prayer and Fasting. Together, we are believing that Jesus is at work, redeeming and restoring. As we pray today, this guide will bind our prayers together in agreement.

As we unite across the network in prayer, we reflect on the ways the Father has delivered us and say in faith that we trust Him to do the same now.

Strategic Focus: Jesus’s Soul Care

As Missionaries in the KC Underground, it is vital that we constantly practice nurturing and caring for the needs of others and vital we care for and nurture ourselves as well. If we constantly meet others’ needs while neglecting our- selves, our efforts will fall short, and we will end up in an exhausted state, unable to care for ourselves and others. Staying spiritually fit is essential. We look to Jesus and his life to learn how he cared for himself and nurtured his own soul. If the Son of God and Son of Man took the time to care for himself, we obviously need to as well.

Twelve times we see Jesus practicing soul care in the Bible.

  1. He fasted (Matthew 4:1-11)

  2. He prayed (Hebrews 5:7)

  3. He practiced solitude. (Luke 6:12-13)

  4. He spent time with friends. (John 15:15)

  5. He got away from crowds (Matthew 5:1)

  6. He spent time with his Father (Mark 14:32-42)

  7. He was immersed in scripture (Deut. 6:4-5)

  8. He was full of Joy. (John 17:13)

  9. He wept. (John 11:35)

  10. He had a work-rest rhythm (Genesis 2:3)

  11. He spent time with children (Matthew 18:1-4)

  12. He served out of a place of humility. (Luke 22:27)

Which practice do you want or need to focus on today? Read the passage about this practice out of the life of Jesus. Pray for the grace to grow in this area.

  • How are your work and rest rhythms?

  • Are you in touch with your emotions?

  • Do you pray?

  • Spend time with your heavenly Father?

  • Do you spend time in scripture?

  • Do you get alone to practice silence and solitude?

  • Do you spend time with friends just for fun?

From these questions and answers, how do you want to emulate the life of Jesus?What do you want to ask God for today?
What does your soul need most?

Read back through the Jesus Soul care list. Can you think of a friend who could use some prayer in any of these areas? List your friends’ names next to the list and pray for them as God leads you.

As you go, choose for yourself one of the soul care practices of Jesus that you want to focus on this week. Ask God for the grace to know him through your chosen area, and be ready for God to do amazing things in you and through you.


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Spiritual War