What Does a Microchurch Look Like?

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What Does a Microchurch Look Like?

Episode Overview
This week, Brian and Corey dive into one of the most frequently asked questions: What does a microchurch actually look like? From addressing misconceptions to exploring rhythms and practical tools, this episode offers a clear picture of microchurches as spiritual families on mission.

Key Questions Answered:

  1. What is a Microchurch?

    • It’s not just a Bible study or small group.

    • A microchurch is an extended spiritual family of Jesus followers living life together with a shared mission.

    • Identity comes first: It’s about being a family, not a program or event.

  2. Why Do People Ask This Question?

    • People often wonder how it’s different from traditional small groups or church gatherings.

    • It’s a paradigm shift: microchurches function as a family integrated into everyday life.

Healthy Microchurch Rhythms (2-2-2 Framework):
To help microchurches stay healthy and balanced, the 2-2-2 Rhythm provides a monthly framework:

  1. Two OUT

    • Twice a month, plan ways to engage people far from Jesus.

    • Examples: Throw a party, serve in your community, or make the Kingdom tangible in everyday life.

  2. Two UP

    • Twice a month, gather with your microchurch family to worship and discover Jesus together.

    • Often guided by a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) format.

  3. Two IN

    • Twice a month, connect with the larger body of Christ (e.g., hubs, coaching, or collective gatherings).

    • This helps microchurches stay resourced, encouraged, and reminded of the bigger mission.

Simple Gathering Tool: The Microchurch Format
When microchurch families gather, the format is simple and intentional:

  1. Connect & Worship

    • Build relationships: share what you’re thankful for and what’s been challenging.

    • Worship together: sing, take communion, or pray.

  2. Discover (Discovery Bible Study)

    • Read Scripture together.

    • Discuss: What stands out? What does this teach us about God and people?

    • Be vulnerable and accountable: “What will I do in response to this?”

  3. Pray & Respond

    • Pray together and discuss how to live this out.

    • Make plans to bless others and share Jesus.

Kids & Microchurch:

  • Include the kids! Invite them to share, pray, or even act out Bible stories.

  • Like a healthy family, microchurches create integrated spaces while still honoring intentional times for kids and adults.

Why Does This Matter?

  • Microchurches de-professionalize church. They’re simple, nimble, and deeply relational.

  • This form of church matches the vision of gospel saturation: seeing disciple-makers on every street and spiritual families in every network.

  • It’s about apprenticeship: learning to follow Jesus in every area of life, together.

Final Thoughts:
The family of God is designed to be on mission. A microchurch looks like a healthy family: eating together, celebrating together, mourning together, and growing together. The tools shared in this episode (2-2-2 Rhythm and simple gathering formats) can help you live as a spiritual family that points to Jesus in everyday life.

🔗 Explore more tools: kcunderground.org/toolkit

🎧 Don’t forget to share this episode—because everyone’s asking this question!


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