Awaken to your calling
and identity within the
Mission of God


AWAKEN is a 6-month missional, formational community that trains and mobilizes young adults to live purposefully and make disciples, all in a mentoring and highly communal setting.


  • SUNDAYS , 6:30-8:30P

  • SEP 15-MAR 2



In the home of local KC Underground leaders in the Overland Park area


  • For Young adults in KC (age 20-30ish) who have a hunger for mission, purpose, and community. 

  • For those hoping to discover more of their specific identity and calling within the greater mission to multiply disciples

  • For those who desire to be mobilized as “everyday missionaries” to KC

  • For young adults who may feel like there's “something more” to following Jesus and living with purpose than what they have experienced in life and church so far


Dinner and community time followed by Experiential Training and Discussion with prayer, worship, etc

  • Unique Masterpiece
    (how the Lord has uniquely made you into a masterpiece for his Kindgom mission)

  • Abiding Health
    (how to rest in the Lord and find our hope, health, and identity in Him)

  • Spiritual Authority
    (how to pray like Jesus taught us, operating as as priests and missionaries)

  • Missionary Pathway
    (how to engage & make disciples of not-yet believers)